Public Auction 49727
[LEGAL] NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE: Pursuant to GA Self-Storage Facility Act & to satisfy Owner's lien Storage Sense Hinesville located at 1146 Elma G Miles Pkwy Hinesville Ga 31313 (912)408-7878 will conduct a public auction of the contents of storage units described below to be purchased AS-IS for MONEY ORDERS ONLY. TERMS listed on auction website. See and bid on all units 24/7 ending on Wednesday January 15th, 2025 @ 11:00AM SALE IS SUBJECT TO ADJOURNMENT until the winning bidder takes possession of the property. Tyrese Sullivan, Unit B90, Boxes, Totes, Misc. Items; Sharlita Edmond, Unit B87, Bed Frame, Clothing, Microwave, Sofa, Stool, Totes, Misc Items; Rose Wallace, Unit C45, Bed frame, Bed Mattress, Boxes, Pillows, Totes, Misc Items; Deshaun Steward, Unit D01, Bags, Sofa, Totes, Misc Items; Marion Hardwick, Unit MC35, Chair, Fan, Night Table, Misc Items. 49727 01/02/25 RL