Notice of Summons 50378
IN THE JUVENILE COURT FOR THE COUNTY OF COLUMBIA, STATE OF GEORGIA IN THE INTEREST OF: ) G. S. ) SEX: MALE ) DOB: 08/25/2024 ) FILE NO: 2024J0070 NOTICE OF SUMMONS TO ASHLEY NICOLE SHIREY, biological mother of the above minor child, whose last known address is 49 Cuddy Lane, Unit 21, Midway, Georgia 31320. YOU ARE NOTIFIED, in accordance with O.C.G.A. SS 15-11-96, that the above proceeding seeking the termination of the parental rights of the named child was filed against you in said Court on the 7th day of February, 2025, by reason of an Order for Service by Publication entered by this Court. YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED AND REQUIRED to lay any and all other business aside and to be and appear before the Juvenile Court of Columbia County, located inside 7045 Evans Town Center Blvd, Evans, Georgia 30809, on the 25th day of April, 2025, at 1:30 p.m. and to remain in attendance from hour to hour, day to day, month to month, year to year, and time to time, as said case may be continued, and until discharged by the Court; each of you then and there to make defense and to show cause why the said child and all parties named herein should not be dealt with according to the provisions of the law. The hearing is for the purpose of determining whether your parental rights should be terminated. The effect of an order terminating parental rights under O.C.G.A. SS 15-11-93 is without limit as to duration and terminates all the parent's rights and obligations with respect to the child and all rights and obligations of the child to the parent arising from the parental relationship, including rights of inheritance. The parent whose rights are terminated is not thereafter entitled to notice of proceedings for the adoption of the child by another, nor has the parent any right to object to the adoption or otherwise to participate in the proceedings. A copy of the petition may be obtained by the parents from the Clerk of the Columbia County Juvenile Court, 640 Ronald Reagan Drive, Evans, Georgia, during regular business hours, Monday through Friday, exclusive of holidays. A free copy shall be available to the parent. Upon request, the copy will be mailed to the requester - parents or alleged parents only. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that while responsive pleadings are not mandatory, they are permissible and you are encouraged to file with the Clerk of this Court and serve on Petitioner's attorney below, an answer or other responsive pleadings within sixty (60) days of the date of the order for service by publication. WITNESS the Honorable Charles E. Evans, Judge of said Court, this 7th day of February,2025. Cindy Mason Clerk, Juvenile Court Columbia County, Georgia 50378 4/3/25 RL