Notice of Summons 50381
IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF BRYAN COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA IN THE INTEREST OF: SS K.M., DOB: 5/16/2008, SS Minor Child. SS CASE NO. 015-24JC-013 NOTICE OF SUMMONS TO: LOUIS LOPEZ MENDOZA, and anyone who may be the biological father of a child born to Sharee Morris. You are hereby notified that the above-styled action has been brought by the Bryan County Division of Family and Children Services, and the Georgia Department of Human Services, seeking temporary custody of the above-referenced male child; that said action has been filed in the Juvenile Court of Bryan County, Georgia; and that by reason of an Order for Service of Summons by Publication dated February 25, 2025, you are hereby notified that you may obtain a copy of the petition from the Clerk of the Juvenile Court of Bryan County, Georgia and may file with the Clerk of said Court, and serve upon Jenifer T. McComas, Petitioner's Attorney, whose mailing address is 128 Jackson Street, Vidalia, Georgia, 30474, an answer to the petition at any time prior to the hearing. You are hereby notified that a Dependency Hearing with regard to the above-styled action will come before the Court on April 3rd, 2025, at 2:00 p.m. at the Bryan County Courthouse in Pembroke, Georgia. You are further notified that the court may enter an order directing you to pay child support for the benefit of the above-referenced child. The parties notified hereby are entitled to legal counsel in the proceedings, and the Court will appoint legal counsel if any party should be unable, without undue hardship, to employ counsel. WITNESS, the Honorable Christy Balbo, Judge of Bryan County Juvenile Court. This 5th day of March, 2025. Jessica West (Deputy) Clerk, Bryan County Juvenile Court 50381 4/3/25 RL