Luxe Real Estate Services LLC 50391
BRYAN COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT TRADE NAME REGISTRATION PERSONALLY APPEARED THE UNDERSIGNED WHO ON OATH AND SAYS THAT: Luxe Real Estate Services, LLC (name of proprietor or corporate name if corporation) 3750 US Hwy 17S, Richmond Hill, GA 31324 (address of proprietor or corporate name if corporation if any) IS/ARE DOING BUSINESS IN BRYAN COUNTY, GEORGIA UNDER THE NAME OF: TRADENAME: Century 21 Luxe Real Estate 3750 US Hwy 17S, Richmond Hill, GA 31324 (trade name address in Bryan County) and the nature of the business to be carried on at such address is Residential Real Estate Sales Becky Partin (signature of person making declaration) SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME THIS 25 DAY OF FEB, 2025. Lindsay O'Connor NOTARY PUBLIC OR DEPUTY CLERK 503913/20/25 RL