Sedio L. Wickham 50424
IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF LIBERTY COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA TRINIYA ALIZIA WICKHAM, Plaintiff, v. SEDIO LEMONA WICKHAM, Defendant. Civil Action File No. SUV2025000034-CR ORDER FOR SERVICE BY PUBLICATION Plaintiff having moved the Court for an order directing service to be made upon Defendant, SEDIO L. WICKHAM, in the above styled action by publication of summons, and it appearing to the Court from the verified Complaint and Affidavit in support of such motion that Defendant is a nonresident, and that the action is an action in which a defendant may be served by publication pursuant to O.C.G.A. SS 9-10-71, it is ORDERED, that service upon SEDIO L. WICKHAM be made by publication as provided by law. This 7th day of February, 2025. Charles P. Rose, Jr. Judge, Superior Court of Liberty County Atlantic Judicial Circuit 50424 4/3/25 RL